Ever wonder what you could be doing to make the world a better place? Do you think that you probably won’t make a difference no matter what you do because you are just one person and how could you? Well, here is some news for you: YES, you CAN make a difference in the small things that you do everyday. Take small steps for humankind that one day might turn into leaps and bounds. For now, I can only do my best in making an impact on my local environment, but hopefully one day I’ll be able to reach out and make an even bigger difference in the lives around me.

1. Treat others as you would like to be treated. This saying is as old as the dirt beneath our feet and it rings true in most every aspect of our lives. If you aren’t treating someone the way that you would like to be treated then you’re just begging for karma to bite you in the butt.

2. Volunteering is something that can make a huge difference in your community. You can volunteer at an animal shelter, a homeless shelter, a woman’s shelter. You can volunteer at the library, it doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, but it does have to count for something, even if it only counts for something in your own heart.

3. Donate your old clothes and toys or your kids old toys to local shelters and thrift shops. Everyone who shops at these places will appreciate your items, or at least someone will.

4. Consider buying free range meat if your not trying to become a vegetarian. Organic and whole foods are not only good for you but also for the environment from which they are grown. If you really want to make it count, shop at your local farmer’s market every once in a while and put your dollars into the local economy.

5. You can take shorter showers, wash full loads of dishes and laundry at once, assure your leaky faucets get fixed, and stray away from buying plastic bottles without the intention to reuse or recycle them. Purchase a water bottle that you can refill over and over again.

6. Sure conserving water is great, but why stop there? Go further in conserving your electricity by turning the lights out when leaving a room, recycle old bottle and cans, throw away your cigarette butts, reduce your waste output in general. Try composting.

7. Plant a tree, who knows, it could provide hope or at least shade.

8. Make your vote count, and by that I mean that if you can vote then you should. Voting is one way that everyone can make a difference in their community for the better. Remember that every vote counts, even yours.

9. Speak your mind. Expressing your opinion will get you respect so long as you stand by it, and it can make a serious impact on those around you.

10. Sleep organic. Remember, there is no better place to begin your quest in saving the world than in your own bedroom, so shop now and look for ways to improve your bedroom with natural latex bedding and various other forms of comfort for the mattress.

Now its your turn to make a change in yourself and in your community. You want a revolution? Get out and go and get it!


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