
Like most across America, we are in the grip of a cold spell. Folks here are wrapped up like Eskimos trying to keep warm. Our homes and heating systems are not designed for the low temperatures we have been experiencing and more cold and even the possibility of snow is forecasted. All this makes me more grateful for my newly acquired CozyPure@ Amaizing Wool Comforter.

I have always been impressed with the old world classic aesthetics of our comforters – the handcrafted, old-world styling, but until I curled up under one of my own, I never had the true appreciation of the quality and warmth.

Last night, as the Northern wind blew across my Southern city, I laid comfortably warm and content, almost cherishing the drop in temperature. I felt rich and indulged – safe and secure knowing that my CozyPure® was pure and simple through and through, created with no chemicals, pesticides or harsh acid washing. I slept sound and peaceful.

Bring on the cold! I am prepared! Thanks again Cheryl for such a wonderful, warm gift!