Should You Order a Mattress From an Online Store?

When it comes to good sleeping habits, owning the perfect mattress for your bed is critical. When it is time to buy a new bed set, your first instinct is naturally to head out to the nearest department store and test out a few mattresses to see how well they suit your body. While this …

Sleep – Part of the Natural Rhythm of Life

If you separated a traditional mattress into all of its individual parts you would have a bunch of metal, synthetic fabric, petroleum based foam and some plastic. Essentially, most mattresses are made from chemicals and metal. Why should this be of concern? When at rest or at sleep, your body is vulnerable. Your body “breathes”; …

Dangers Hidden in Your Mattress

Looking for a cheap mattress? Before making that purchase consider the importance of the surface that you might be sleeping on, after all, on average, you spend eight hours every night on your mattress. Sleep is the time when your body regenerates and is the most vulnerable. A percentage of the contents of your mattress …

A Heath Plan For America Begins With the Basics

A new health plan for America is the current and constant topic up for debate and it seem that everyone has an opinion. The only agreement is that we all need to stay as healthy as possible and enjoy the highest quality of life, but there are more keys to good health than doctors, hospitals …

Good Night. Sleep Tight. The Doctor was Right

by Rex Mitchell for Organic Comfort Zone News published Oct 14, 2009 Looking for ways to feel strong and invincible? Want to slow down the aging process and look more beautiful? Thinking about shedding a few pounds? Searching for ways to strengthen your immunity against colds and viruses? The solution could be lurking behind your …