January 6 is National Cuddle Up Day and we’re embracing it at CozyPure. After all, who better to celebrate this nationwide day of cuddling than makers of organic mattresses and bedding? So it’s official, CozyPure declares National Cuddle Up Day as it’s holiday.
Some may wonder why the nation would adopt a holiday devoted to such a seemingly inconsequential activity like cuddling. But, there is so much more to a good cuddle than we realize. There are many physical and emotional benefits to cuddling. When cuddling, the body releases oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, endorphins, the chemical most experience after exercise, and dopamine, the hormone that enhances sexual desire. These chemical and hormonal releases have been shown to help lower blood pressure, chances of heart disease and aleviate anxiety. That’s right, you get all that from just cuddling up with a loved one.

Moreover, human contact makes us better communicators as well. We can communicate soothing thoughts and comforting wishes through cuddling, hugging and kissing.
Of course, there’s no better place to engage in these comforting and sensual activities than on CozyPure Organic Mattresses and Bedding. Knowing that your cuddle time is free of harmful chemicals and fillers will add peace of mind to your warm snuggle. And since all CozyPure bedding is made with organic and sustainable ingredients, you can cuddle knowing that you’ll have pure organic comfort to cuddle on for years to come.
Since we’re so excited to celebrate National Cuddle Up Day on January 6, we’re holding two social media contests on Facebook and Instagram. On Facebook, you can enter the “Who Ya Wanna Cuddle?” Contest. Just comment on our “Who Ya Wanna Cuddle” post with who you’d like to cuddle with on National Cuddle Up Day and why. We’ll choose the comment we like most and that person will win a $100 gift certficate to CozyPure. You can also enter the “Cutest Cuddle” Contest on Instagram. Just post a photo of your cutest cuddle with #cozycutecuddle. The winning cuddle will also receive a $100 gift certificate. Winners for both contest will be announced on National Hugging Day, January 21, 2016. So enter now!
Also, because we want you to get closer to us on National Cuddle Up Day, we’re having an in-store only sale at our location at 2308 Granby Street, Norfolk, Va. Stop in and practice your cuddling skills in our showroom on January 6. And if you purchase a CozyPure mattress, you’ll be welcomed into our prestigious Cuddle-Up Club. Members of the Cuddle-Up Club get 20% off all future organic bedding purchases. You can enjoy healthy slumber and loads of cuddling for years to come.
So, celebrate National Cuddle Up Day by entering our social media contests and/or come by CozyPure on the big day to embrace some big savings. Happy National Cuddle Up Day!