An estimated 50 million Americans do not have access to enough food. If 50 million Americans alone do not have access to enough food, imagine how large the number of people around the world who do not have access to enough food is. That would be nearly one billion people! That means that one in every six people is not getting enough food to eat. However, landfills receive plenty of nutritious and delicious foods, and some foods that are not so nutritious or delicious. With all of this food going to landfills, it makes you wonder why it is so hard to feed everybody in the world.

Not only is the lack of food causing a social epidemic worldwide, but it is also an environmental hazard. When food is sent to landfills it releases a gas called methane, which has 21 times the potential to speed up global warming than Carbon Dioxide. This gas is produced when the food rots and is not disposed of properly. It is almost funny to think about how easy it could be to simply use the food as compost and help feed the soil nutrients as opposed to wasting it and producing harmful toxins.

Compost is organic matter that has been recycled in order to be used as a soil amendment. It is easy to make and it is free. It can be made from fruit and vegetable scraps (e.g. apple cores, orange peels, banana peels, etc.) and from a variety of other materials such as egg shells,  coffee grounds, tea leaves, and newspaper. Remember that this will be good for your home garden or backyard, including the stimulation of flower growth and other earthly buds.


When you waste food you waste the time and effort that was needed to grow the product. This is a waste of not only food, but your money and the money of the people that produced it. Not only is it a waste of food and money, but it is also a waste of the animal or plant that died in order for you to eat it! When you look at all of the bad aspects of food waste, it makes you wonder why anyone would do it in the first place. Worldwide, about 1/3 of food produced is put to waste, which is over 1.3 billion tons.

Many programs all over the world are committed to feeding the hungry, including the Egyptian, Bulgarian, and Argentinian food banks. Places and people all over the world are beginning to realize what a hazard food waste can be. Joining organizations such as a local food bank can help save people worldwide, and not just people, but it can also help save the environment in the process. Schools also have information needed in order to donate food, if you have a student attending school, or are one yourself, most likely you will hear of a food drive. Don’t miss your chance to donate and get educated on the matter.



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