I guess I’ve been on a health kick lately, but here is another food post. Eating organically will help boost the body’s immune system and other natural defenses, as well as keeping your complexion clear and your body trim. There are many ways to eat organically in this day and age and you should always be mindful of where your food is from, how fresh it is, whether or not pesticides and steroids were used in its production, and its nutrition level. Like many food posts I have compiled another list of things that can be bought with peace of mind whether or not they are from the farmers market or not:

-Avocado                                                 -Cauliflower                                             -Watermelon

-Asparagus                                              -Kiwi                                                           -Garlic

-Blackberries                                          -Onions                                                     -Tomatoes

– Broccoli                                                 -Mangoes

-Cabbage                                                  -Pineapples


Now we can move on to a list of foods that are OK to buy non-organic, but still would be made better if bought fresh daily 🙂


-Green Onions




OK. Now it is time to reveal the food that is safest to buy ORGANIC

-Almonds                                                 -Papaya                                                  -Celery                                                  -Cherries

-Apples                                                     -Carrots                                                  -Cucumbers                                        -Kale

-Bell Peppers                                          -Blueberries                                          -Potatoes                                             -Strawberries

-Peaches                                                   -Spinach                                                 -Raspberries

-Lettuce                                                    -Green Beans                                        -Zucchini

-Pears                                                        -Plums                                                     -Corn


All our lives we will face tough choices about what we should be eating and why. We will be consumed with temptation when looking through the windows at Dairy Queen or maybe the bakery at your local supermarket. We can not let ourselves down, though. There are always healthier and safer options for everyone to enjoy no matter what your preference is. Just the other night I had a fresh, delicious, savory, spicy catfish sandwich from our local farmers market. The sandwich was rich with spices and subtle flavors and I enjoyed every bite of it. The dinner was healthy and it was also affordable.

twilight apple

Why should we stop where we eat though? We want to practice healthy choices in every aspect of our life, don’t we? We want to live to the fullest of our potential and we can only do that when we are thinking straight and clearly, but how can one think clearly after stuffing there body with greasy McDonald’s and wondering how long it might take for our body to digest the unnatural preservatives in our food. It is simple chemistry, the more organic the product, the easier it will be for your body to accept and also to make use of.

This is same for all the world around us, the more natural that the product is the safer it will be for the overall environment. So many landfills are just piles upon piles and stacks on stacks of waste that is not biodegradable. This is not safe for the ecosystem as these unnatural products release toxins and become and eyesore. Why not choose to be organic? In the end it won’t hurt a soul, but it can make millions of lives safer and thousands of places cleaner.

I remember taking a trip down to Puerto Rico over the summer and being struck in awe by the natural beauty that the country provided and then feeling like I had been slapped in the face when the juxtaposition of the filthy piles of waste that lined the shore appeared in my line of vision, and it was not only in one place, it was all over the place. If we all took simple, easy steps toward creating a healthier world we might not face the environmental issues that we are struggling with today.

Why not do your best to take part in cleaning up this world whenever possible. By buying Eco-friendly, organic products you are saving a whole crop from being poisoned by threatening chemicals. Even more, when you move from simply buying green foods to other green products than your role just became a whole lot more important. When buying organic bedding you are saving a landfill from having another filthy mattress being placed in it ten years down the road because natural bedding is just that good. Give it a try with your delicious new grocery list and then try to incorporate ‘green’ into other aspects of your life.






eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit organiccomfortzone.com or cozypure.com or call 757.480.8500.





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