Organic Comfort Produced with Green Energy


Gearing up for our move down to the corner unit – hopefully next weekend. Our new space will offer us triple production space, and we’ll soon be opening our new company, Sunrise Solar and Wind, which will be right next store. My hubby, Richard, is back on board in the business. For you folks who have been customers of ours since the beginning, many of you remember Richard from way back when. He’ll be in charge of the new company which will offer sales, service and consultation of green power, something Tomorrow’s World offered throughout the 1990’s. Our new space already has Geo-Thermal HVAC and will also feature wind and solar energy, so in addition to our full-circle “green” products being made with our own “green energy”, it will also be a hands-on working demo for the new company. We’re excited, and we’ll keep you posted.