What is a Kapok pillow?

Have you ever wondered how CozyPure’s pillows are so soft? One of the materials that we use is Natural Kapok. Kapok is soft and silky and resembles the feeling of down but with more firmness and support. This unique material in our Bed Buddy Body Pillows and the Pure Kapok Organic Sleep Pillow.

The Kapok fibers that we use are sustainably harvested from the Brazilian Rainforest. This type of fiber originates in a pod and when harvested they are broken open with mallets and the seed and fibers are removed by hand. After the removal process the seeds and fibers are stirred in a basket to be separated. Kapok seeds fall to the bottom while the fibers are free.

When it arrives here in our factory, the Kapok is still somewhat bunched-up in its pod-shape. We have to pull the kapok apart before stuffing it into our pillows. It’s very “fly-away”. Think bloomed dandelion fluff floating effortlessly and airily. That’s what Kapok is like only more intense. The delicate fibers attach to your clothing, your hair, your eyes, and up your nostrils. We suit-up for Kapok pillow days, complete with astronaut inspired work gear coverings from head to toe.

Kapok fibers weigh only one-eighth as much as cotton. Its has been known to be used in life preservers and other water safety equipment  because of its ability to support as much as 30 times its own weight in water.

This unique material is available in our Bed Buddy Body Pillows and the Pure Kapok Organic Sleep Pillow. With either one of these pillows you will never want to get out of bed. Try it out for yourself.



Jamar Diggs is a PR Communications and Social Media team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit organiccomfortzone.com or cozypure.com or call 757.480.8500.

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