No… you won’t find us in retail mattress stores.

Through the years we thought about offering our products in retail stores, especially because we had so many requests. After weighing the pros and cons, we decided not to pursue a retailer program…. and go wholeheartedly “factory-direct”. Here’s just a few reasons we decided to commit to this 100% # 1 – We realized how …

Every Day is Earth Day

We like to be mindful of our environment every day around here. But some things just can’t be avoided. As green as we are in our company practices we’re still occasionally confronted with some challenges that are very “un-green” while running the business. The difference, however, is how we choose to deal with those things. …

Kermit Was Wrong: It Is Easy Being Green

I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to ways I can live more sustainably.  With two young children, it’s really important for me to set a good example. We are primarily a vegetarian household, we recycle (my 3-year old is a “master” in her own right), don’t let the water run while brushing our …

Is Your Bedding Sustainable?

Earth Day is fast approaching and it’s the perfect time to evaluate how green you really are. Earth Day is the time that everyone thinks about the basic ways to conserve like recycling, buying local and using less energy. Why not consider changing what you rest your head on every night, your mattress? Most conventional mattresses available today …

You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your pillow

A pillow is like a friend… it can bring great comfort or be a pain in the neck. Sometimes folks don’t realize the importance of choosing the correct pillow for proper support – the wrong one can provide discomfort throughout the night. For instance, if you sleep on your side with a very flat pillow, …

Eat healthy – sleep healthy!

NO FORMALDEHYDE, PBDEs, OR TOXIC CHEMICALS We use three ingredients in our mattresses: Organic Cotton Pure Wool Natural Latex Rubber Really that’s all we use. No hidden FR barriers. No hidden polyester blends. No synthetic latex. No foams. No glues. No toxic chemicals. WHAT’S IN THAT CONVENTIONAL FOAM MATTRESS? Polyurethane Foam and Memory Foam is …

Natural Latex Mattress Production Start to Finish

As you rest on your mattress ask yourself this: Does your mattress come full circle? Unlike most conventional mattresses which contain 100% chemicals, a mattress made with REAL organic latex rubber offers you the benefits of longevity, comfort and a safe haven. The video below explores  the production of an organic latex mattress core. The …

We’re moving!

As many of you know, we began restoration of an old historic warehouse back in late August. Well… even though it’s not completely finished, we’re moving in anyway. It’s exciting to have so much more space (25,000 sf) in a beautiful building with history and architecture, they just don’t make buildings like this anymore. The …

Read the label

Food has ingredients listed on the label, but did you know there is no FDA regulation for the ingredients in your mattress? Most conventional mattresses are made with 100% chemicals, many of them “proprietary” so who knows what’s in there? Here’s a short list of some common carcinogens in traditional mattresses: Polyurethane foam (petroleum-based material …

You Are What You Sleep

They say you are what you eat but what does your favorite sleep position say about you? Most people have a “go to” sleep position each night … mine is on my left side, fetal position, curled up in my blankets nice and tight. Are you a log? A starfish? A soldier? Research suggests that …