Last night I was dead asleep when all of a sudden I’m in the middle of school, just about to enter my math room, when my teacher pulls me aside and begins to scold me. “Why weren’t you here last class?” He reprimands and I reply to him, wide-eyed, “I was here last class…” There is a moment of intense silence that builds between the two of us for a brief moment before my teacher continues, “Really? What did we do?” I ponder this for a moment, trying hard to remember exactly what we did do the class previous. Did we take notes? No. Did we take a quiz? No, but you’re getting warmer. I remember, “We did the ‘thinking’ piece.” I finally respond with a smile on my face. Ha, I think as my teachers expression shifts from anger to remorse. “Of course,” He says and smiles at me as I walk past him into the math room. Just then my alarm clock wakes me up. I look at the time and see that I have been sleeping through my alarm for the past ten minutes and am probably going to be late for school. I quickly get out of bed and dress up in my normal ‘sweatpants Friday’ get-up, which consists primarily of, well, sweatpants and a hoodie. I barely bother putting a comb through my hair before inhaling a bowl of cereal and rushing out of the door, into the car, and driving down the street just in the nick-of-time.

This morning was also a rainy one. Sheets upon sheets of rain poured down onto my windshield as I drove down a thirty-five mile per hour street at a whopping twenty-seven miles per hour in order to avoid the hassle of getting myself stuck in a flooded street. This mess of a road trip continued until I was finally making my way onto the street behind the school, where I found myself blocked by a large flood in which a sad mini-van was hopelessly rendered useless in. I could have been a good-Samaritan and gotten out, trudged through the flood, and asked if there was anything that I could do for the mini-van; however, seeing as I was already about ten minutes late for school, and that it was there problem and not mine, I quickly turned around and found my way into the school parking lot through a series of back roads that weren’t as flooded.


Upon arriving in the building, around twenty minutes late, I stumble into the front office, soaking wet, and receive a late pass along with a pitiful look from the woman who runs the front desk before heading to class. Life goes on, I sit in class soaking wet and bored to death as my teacher goes on about something or other, and I realize I could complain about how cold and wet I am except that no one is actually listening to me, nor the teacher for that matter – half the class is sleeping, the other half on their phones. The bell rings and I zip out of class as usual. As I arrived at my second block of the day, my math class, my teacher asks me – not at the door but as I’m sitting in my seat – “Eric, were you here last class?” I am taken aback, “Of course I was, we did the ‘thinking’ piece.” I reply with conviction and my teacher nods. “Right,” He says and then goes to mark something into his computer.

Why is this significant? Did I predict the future? Was this all deja-vu? Had I already lived through it? Were my dreams trying to tell me to make sure to get to class no matter the pouring rain and what not? Precognition is the ability to read the future in one’s dreams. Though it has never been either proven nor dis-proven it is nearly impossible to study. While I’m not claiming the be the next That’s So Raven, I do find it very interesting that dreams could possibly have a very real way of making predictions, whether they are exact or close enough to an actual event. In 1865, Abe Lincoln claimed to have had a dream in which he was attending a funeral and asked “who is in the casket?” and received the reply, “The President of the United States.” Two weeks later he gave his bodyguard the night off and was assassinated. Others have claimed to have foreseen the sinking of the Titanic and other historical disasters. I myself believe that dreams hold some kind of fragment, or glimpse, or detail that coordinates with one’s life. While I don’t believe everything that psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and various others might have noted (like the connotations behind seeing a skyscraper in our dream, or a cave…) I do understand that these very well might be hidden signs that can foretell what our lives might entail or can breathe new life into problems that we face daily, and in the end can either help us get through them or not. Dreams might have a way of healing the soul or destroying it. One of the greatest authors, Stephen King, is said to have been plagued by nightmares all his life. one day he was told to begin writing them down, and now he has an entire library of books under his belt. Perhaps his dreams were promoting him to fulfill his destiny, which was to become the King of Horror.


As for what my dream of math class means, I think that it was pretty self-explanatory in its message of getting me out of bed this morning; however, the fact that my teacher asked me the same question in real life as he had in my dream might mean that perhaps I am the next to be the next Nostradamus. Who knows, only time will tell. I can tell you one thing, though, and that is that whatever prophecy that comes to me in my sleeping hours will be made even more vivid by the deep sleep I’m in, promoted by the comfort of my natural CozyPure bedding, which is one thing that no prophet needs to tell you is worth investing in.



eric-SAT-picEric is currently a student and part-time team member for Norfolk, VA based business Organic Comfort Zone, manufacturers of CozyPure organic bedding and mattress. For more information visit or or call 757.480.8500.


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